Select a version of the Platform SDK to install. Platform SDKs take the following form in the list: platforms;android-xx. The xx indicates the SDK level. The larger the number, the newer the package.Typically, you can install the latest available version. But, there might be cases in which Google has released a new version of the SDK that causes errors when you build your Unity Project. In that case you must uninstall the SDK and install an earlier version.The general format of the command for package installation is sdkmanager . You can install the corresponding Platform Tools and Build Tools at the same time.
As the following instructions show,you can use a package managerto easily install and update a stable channel Dart SDK.Alternatively, you canbuild the SDK from source,grab a Dart Docker image, orinstall from any release channel bydownloading the SDK as a zip file.
download android sdk manager for windows 8 64 bit
Download File:
You can get stable channel releases usingthe instructions above, or you canget stable, beta, or dev channel releasesusing a package manager or Dart Docker image, orby downloading the SDK as a zip file.
Once you've ensured that your operating system is compatible with Android Studio 3.2.1 or higher, download the appropriate Android Studio distribution file. The Android Studio download page auto-detected that I'm running a 64-bit Windows operating system and selected android-studio-ide-181.5056338-windows.exe (927 MB) for me to download.
android-studio-ide-181.5056338-windows.exe includes an installer and the Android SDK command-line tools. If you don't need or want to use Android Studio, you can download only the Android SDK command-line tools.
Extract the file you downloaded above into a folder named Android on the root of your C drive (Windows) or into your Home folder (Mac, Linux). You might notice a few things are missing if you've ever downloaded the command line tools before as the tools and platform-tools folders are missing. That's OK; we're about to get them using the included SDK manager.
Open the bin folder in the extracted download and find the SDK manager executable file. It may look like a terminal or shell command, but it will open a GUI as long as you have Java installed correctly.
Android Studio is the official IDE for android application development.It works based on IntelliJ IDEA, You can download the latest version of android studio from Android Studio 2.2 Download, If you are new to installing Android Studio on windows,you will find a file, which is named as android-studio-bundle-143.3101438-windows.exe.So just download and run on windows machine according to android studio wizard guideline.
I've installed Android Developer Tools pluging to Eclipse Mars but i could not see Android SDK Manager menu item under Eclipse Window menu. I just see AVD manager panel when i run my android aplication.So i can not customize my AVD manager devices easly.
GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain 2020-q2-preview This is a preview release for M-profile Vector Extension (MVE) andCustom Datapath Extension (CDE) features, and is not a production release.For a production quality toolchain, use the GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain9-2020-q2-update release.This release includes bare metal pre-built binaries for AArch32 EABI targets,which can be hosted on:* Windows 10 or later on 32/64-bit architecture* Linux - on AArch64 (RHEL 7, Ubuntu 14.04 or later) - on x86_64 (RHEL 7, Ubuntu 16.04 or later)* Mac OS X 10.14 or later on 64-bit architectureFor Windows, the binaries are provided with an installer and as a zip file.For Linux, the binaries are provided as tarball files.For Mac OS X, the binaries are provided as tarball and pkg files.The release also contains source code package (together with build scripts andinstructions to setup the build environment), which is composed of: * gcc : refs/vendors/ARM/heads/arm-10 git:// commit 58ae4fa0f1563eacac56291c00c876e6594f9925 * binutils : master git:// commit cceb53b8849bc76f522931890b585b41e6662fa5 * newlib and newlib-nano : newlib-3.3.0 git:// commit 6d79e0a58866548f435527798fbd4a6849d05bc7 * gdb : master git:// commit cceb53b8849bc76f522931890b585b41e6662fa5Note that some or all of the following prerequisites are downloaded whenbuilding from source: * EnvVarUpdate NSIS script : * expat 2.1.1 : -2.1.1.tar.bz2 * gmp 6.1.0 : -6.1.0.tar.bz2 * isl 0.18 : -0.18.tar.xz * libelf 0.8.13 : -0.8.13.tar.gz * libiconv 1.15 : -1.15.tar.gz * mpc 1.0.3 : -1.0.3.tar.gz * mpfr 3.1.4 : -3.1.4/mpfr-3.1.4.tar.bz2 * python 2.7.7 : -2.7.7.msi * zlib 1.2.8 : -1.2.8.tar.gzFeatures:* All GCC 10.1 featuresTests:* Targets: + Variety of Cortex-M0/M0+/M3/M4/M7/A9 boards + Qemu + Arm Fast ModelsNotable changes in 2020-q2-preview release:* Added support for: + M-profile Vector Extension (MVE) assembler and intrinsics + Custom Datapath Extension (CDE) + Cortex-M55Known issues:* Doing IPA on CMSE generates a linker error:The linker will error out when resulting object file contains a symbol forthe clone function with the __acle_se prefix that has a non-local binding. Issue occurs when compiling binaries for M-profile Secure Extensions wherethe compiler may decide to clone a function with the cmse_nonsecure_entryattribute. Although cloning nonsecure entry functions is legal, as long as the cloneis only used inside the secure application, the clone function itself shouldnot be seen as a secure entry point and so it should not have the __acle_seprefix. A possible workaround for this is to add a 'noclone' attribute tofunctions with the 'cmse_nonsecure_entry'. This will prevent GCC from cloningsuch functions.* Load or Store of __fp16 type together with MVE might generate invalid code:If you use __fp16 type together with MVE enabled, then when the compiler needsto generate an instruction to load a Floating-point Extension register(S register) from memory or an instruction to store a Floating-point Extensionregister (S register) to memory, then the compiler generates the wrong assemblyinstruction. The wrong assembly instruction is generated by the front-end for anyoptimization other than -O0. The wrong instruction causes an error duringassembly, for example: "Error: instruction does not support writeback - `vstr.16 s15,[r0]!'" "Error: instruction does not support writeback - `vldr.16 s15,[r0]!'" The workaround is to use the -O0 command line option to generate the correctinstruction when loading or storing of __fp16 type together with MVE.* Uncompressing the Windows zip file requests permission to overwrite file: When you decompress the windows zip file,, the decompression requestspermission to overwrite the file frame-apply.html. This is because the GDB documentationwithin the folder share/doc/gcc-arm-none-eabi/html/gdb contains files that are namedframe-apply.html and Frame-Apply.html, which are treated as identical names ona Windows host. You can choose to overwrite the file frame-apply.html with Frame-Apply.html. If youdecompress the zip file using a command-line tool, you can use a command-line option toautomatically overwrite the file, for example by using the -y command-line option with 7zip.* Readme.txt links to version 9.3 of the GCC online docs: Readme.txt contains the following links to version 9.3 of the GCC online docs: -9.3.0/gcc/ARM-Options.html#index-mcpu-2 -9.3.0/gcc/ARM-Options.html#index-mfloat-abi The correct links to version 10.1 of the GCC online docs are: -10.1.0/gcc/ARM-Options.html#index-mcpu-2 -10.1.0/gcc/ARM-Options.html#index-mfloat-abi 2ff7e9595c